
Marian Lovett

We at Circa are very sorry to hear of the passing of our friend and colleague Marian Lovett.

Marian was a frequent contributor to Circa’s pages. Her writing was marked by an incisive intelligence, informed by deep knowledge both of art and of the contexts in which art takes place. For the few years she was co-editor of Circa, she was dedicated to the project and shared her enthusiasm and vision for the archive of the magazine.

She previously served as Director of Temple Bar Gallery & Studios, Dublin, and as Interim Director of Limerick City Gallery of Art. She was also an independent curator and project manager.

Our thoughts are with Shane, Martha, Malachi, and her extended family and friends.

Go raibh sí i measc na saoi is na n-uasal.

Two new Circa projects to ‘mine the archive’

We are delighted to announce that work has begun on two very significant projects which take CIRCA’s archive of texts and projects into new dimensions: Laurence Counihan: an archaeology of the future and Brian Curtin: Travelling South, In Theory. The results will be appearing on this site over the next two years.


This Matters Now
Exploring the Archive