The show continues until 19 December 2009. Featured artists are Louise Butler, Fergus Byrne, Hugh Delap, Clare Henderson, Joe Stanley and Mars Wright.

From left to right: Elaine Grainger (gallery manager), gallery assistants Roisin Russell and Lourdes Viso, and artist Anne Hendrick

from left to right: gallery manager Elaine Grainger, assistants Róisín Russell and Lourdes Viso, artist Anne Hendrick; courtesy Talbot Gallery

Hugh Delap and friend

Peep artist Hugh Delap and Fiona Chambers; courtesy Talbot Gallery

Hugh Delap, 09 – 08, 2009, oil on canvas, 60 x 71cm; courtesy Talbot Gallery

Artist Joe Stanley and friend; courtesy Talbot Gallery

Gallery assistant Róisín Russell with Peep artist Joe Stanley; courtesy Talbot Gallery

Artists Louise Butler and Gary Walsh in front of Butler’s Snowshoe Mountain, 2009, oil on canvas, 82 x 92cm; courtesy Talbot Gallery
