Cover image: Noel Sheridan, from Fixing it, project for Circa
Regular Columns | 9
Brian Kennedy
Visual Arts South | Aidan Dunne
Film and Television | Stephanie McBride
Slave to the Machine | Michael Cunningham
News bits | URL: /backissues/c98/news.shtml
convened by Daniel Jewesbury
Public space and 'public art' | Daniel Jewesbury
Introduction to the Public Art theme, by Daniel Jewesbury.
Spectre vs. vector | Stephen Hackett
Stephen Hackett on a seriious but surreal tour through the Belfast art underground.
Radio + the mass medium message | Duncan Campbell
Duncan Campbell and Daniel Jewesbury exchange thoughts on radio as a medium for art and beyond.
reMATERIAL: dialectical histories | Michael Wilson
Michael Wilson on New York's socially engaged REPOhistory
Soundings | Karen Vaughan, Mhairi Sutherland
Not in Kansas (Karen Vaughan and Mhairi Sutherland) in conversation with The Centre's Lucy Byatt
Project: Karlskrona2
After City Limits | coordinated by Brian Kennedy
Bogdan Achimescu
Chantal Labinski
Udo Wid
Paolo Grassino
Christian Hasucha
Melissa McDonnell
Fixing it | by Noel Sheridan: (photographer Anthony Hobbes)
Belfast I | Brian Kennedy
Belfast II | Slavka Sverakova
Northwest | Declan Sheehan
Limerick | Jim Savage
Dublin I | Niamh Ann Kelly
Dublin II | Jane Humphries
Northeast | Janet Naclia
Cork | Chris Clarke
Scotland | Gemma Tipton
London | Anthony Downey
Ars Electronica | Paul O'Brien
Art Cologne | Ferial Kasmai
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