Cover image: Dorthy Cross, Operation (detail)
Letters, reports and our regular columnists
Better to stammer the truth ... | Declan McGonagle
The author looks into the current state of art writing in Ireland
Confronting multiculturalism | Fintan Cullen
The author explores the Irish-Mexican-Chicano touring show Distant Relations
Exchange resources | Hilary Robinson
On the latest series of international events in Belfast
Seen and not herded | Niamh O'Sullivan
The author reports on developments atThe ArkTemple Bar's new centre for children's arts
The CIRCA interview | Tanya Kiang, Guy Tortosa
Tanya Kiang talks to Guy Tortosa, curator of EV+A 96
Work in process | Dorothy Cross, Jo Anna Isaak
Journey into the artworld | Views from Derry and London on the BBC'sArt Marathon
A picture taken the year before the abuse began | Daniel Jewesbury
A project by Daniel Jewesbury
Cork Artists' Collective | Conor Kostik
Spiderland | Karen Vaughan
Breaking the Silence on Violence | Bernie Casey
Catherine Owens | Paddy Johnson
By the By | Vera Ryan
Beyond Borders Plus | Colin Darke
North West '95 | Alison Pilkington
Diana Copperwhite | Marian Lovett
Quadrant | Samuel walsh
Seven Go | Jane Humphries
Are You Mad? | Lorraine Whelan
Guiltrip | Roddy Flynn
Still Irish | Stephanie McBride
Michael Warren | Aidan Dunne
Basil Blackshaw | Karen Vaughan
Charles Tyrrell | Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith
Felim Egan | Hilary Pyle
On the record
On the record | Una Walker
On the International Association Artists
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