Cover image: Terry Loane
Feature articles
Peacelines |
Artists and artsworkers on 'the ceasefire'
Translations | Eamonn Crudden
The author considers how artists have approached the issue of colonialism in Ireland
Art unlimited | Luke Verling
The author looks at a major exhibition in France
Work in process | Rita Duffy, Gavin Weston
Sport on the sidelines | Eamon O hOisin
The author argues the benefits of partnerships between corporate sponsors and arts organisations
The CIRCA interview | Mark Carruthers, Donnell Deeny
Mark Carruthers talks to Donnell Deeny, Chair of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland
Showing abroad | Alice Maher and Philip Napier
On the São Paolo Bienal
Safety zone | Gemma Tipton
The author explores the role of public art galleries
Janet Pierce | Alison Pilkington
Ursula Murray | Marion Lovett
Anne Tallentire and John Seth | Daniel Jewesbury
Forecast | Louise Masterson
Michael Coleman | Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith
Daphne Wright | Rob Stone
Quadrant | Emer McNamara
Malin Starrett | Terry Loane
Roxy Walsh | Heidi Reitmeier
Rodney Dickson | Libby Anson
Alice Maher | Aidan Dunne
Alisling O'Beirn | Mic Moroney
Nano Reid | Declan Mallon
Irish Art 1830–1990 | Brian Fallon
Ireland: Art into History | Brian P. Kennedy & R. Gillespie
John Kindness | Stephanie McBride
Mary FitzGerald | Kate Robinson
Brian Kennedy | Damien Coyle
John Behan | Hilary Pyle
On the record
On the record | Michael Morgan on the Disability Arts movement
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