Cover image: Tony Patrickson, 34.04 seconds, translated sound sample into visual form, 3D modelling, texture mapping, and digital compositing
Feature articles | 18
Mick Wilson, Martin McCabe
Making notes : nothing making | David Brett
On lan Joyce's recent preformance / installation
Cuchulainn lives on | John Turpin
The author explores the contradictory afterlife of the hero of the Ulster saga
Muti–Media Multi–Hype | Gemma Tipton
The author explores artists' involvement in the new technologies
Work in process: Babel Bitmap &ndash a colloaboration | Michael Cunningham, Jerome Doran, Roger Doyle
Diaspora | Ken Hardy
The author assesses the Diaspora project at its mid-term point
The CIRCA interview | Joan Fowler, Declan McGonagle, Anne Davern
Joan Fowler asks Declan McGonagle and Anne Davern about IMMA's forthcoming season,From Beyond the Pale
Dressing up | Sheila Gorman
O the conservatism of Irish dress
Vox pop |
Initial responses to the Arts Counil's draft strategy report
Corban Walker | Paul O'Neill
Conor Kelly | John Seth
Labour in Art / art at work | Michael Kissane
Fionnua | la Ní Chiosáin | Aidan Dunne
Katherine Beug | Hilary O'Kelly
Michael Canning | Louise Masterson
Beyond the Partitions | Terry Loane
Hit & run | Brian Kennedy
Gavin Hogg / Robert Baker | Marion Lovett
Una Bryce | Gavin Weston
Eilis O'Baoill | Elaine Hogg
Íontas | Damien Coyle
Working on the Bypass | Jules Maxwell
Mirrors: Orange & Green | Oona Woods
Beyond the Partitions | David Brett
Andrew Kearney | Marion Lovett
Felim Egan | Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith
Finola Jones | Damien Coyle
On the record
On the Record | Kate Rivers
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