Feature articles | 18
Catherine Cleary
Hungry Grass: The new famine museum at Strokestown house | Niall O'Ciosáin
Windows on a world | David Brett, Jill McKeown
Yellow pack workers unite | Eamon Crudden
Art, class and the sectarian divide | Colin Darke
Terminal art | Tanya Kiang
Art of participation | Community arts workers respond
Elizabeth Magill | Mic Moroney
Living Quarters | Sam Walsh
Kalachakra Sand Mandala | Gerry Byrne, Ronan McCrea
Vivien Burnside | Gavin Weston
Dorothy Cross | Hilary Robinson
Esmond Bingham | Anthony Bartley
Jimmie Durham | Mick Wilson & Martin McCabe
Finbar Kelly | Peter Jordan
Ev +A "94 | Hilary Robinson
Locky Morris | Elaine Hogg
Eil’s O'Connell | Martin Gaughan
Nick Miller | Aidan Dunne
The Trouble with Art | Damien Coyle
The Bishop's Story | Roddy Flynn
Fundraising: the artist's guide | Valerie Connor
Rory Donaldson | Colin Darke
Liadin Cooke | Eamonn Crudden
Anthony Gormley | Paul O'Brien
On the record
On the record | Micky Donnelly
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