Circa notes
Feature articles
The possibilities for a public art | David Brett
Beyond the aesthetic adventure: Public art & education | Sally Morgan
Collaboration: Impossible dream - or achievable reality? | Margaret Robinette gArt in public places: Pages from a continuing logbook
Artpages: with the assistance of Derry City Council | Anthony Davies
The place of the public in public sculpture: Response to F.E. McWilliams'sPrincess Macha | Roy Wilkinson
Phototrail | Mick O'Kelly
Television Arts Magazines | Martin McLoone
Cork Prison education Unit | Kieran Walsh
Michael Warren | Tom Duddy
Rory Donaldson | James Odling-Smee
Basil Blackshaw, Barry Callaghan and John Kindness | James Odling-Smee
Power in the Blood | Roy Wallis
Patricia Hurl | Kieran Walsh
Bill Viola | Paul O'Brien
Cristina Rubalcava | James Odling-Smee
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