Cover image: Diana Copperwhite: Retro girl (detail), 2003, oil on linen, 40 cm x 40 cm; courtesy of the artist
Update | URL: /backissues/c109/update.shtml
Regular columns | URL: /backissues/c109/columns.shtml
Visual Arts North | Brian Kennedy
Visual Arts South | Aidan Dunne
Film and Television | Stephanie McBride
Fifth Column | Jacqui McIntosh
Slave to the Machine | Michael Cunningham
See | URL: /backissues/c109/see.shtml
Theme: painting | 28
Aidan Dunne
Suburban landscapes | Sarah Browne
Landscapes are the archetypical form of painting, the style most often taken into the home. Sarah Browne looks here at the domestication of painting in a real environment.
Why nothing can be accomplished in painting, and why it is important to keep trying | James Elkins
Often painting seems stuck in a loop of trying to justify itself. James Elkins surveys the struggle.
Why paint? A vox pop | CIRCA
CIRCA asked some lapsed and current painters their thoughts on painting
Project | Nevan Lahart
Nevan Lahart is circasized
Material matters: the conservation of modern art | Mary McGrath
Paintings can be very fragile, and contemporary artists' tendencies to reach for unusual media can cause equally unusual long term problems. Mary McGrath looks at some of the issues surrounding the passage of contemporary production into prosterity.
Surveying contemporary painting | Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith
What is painting about now? Who are the main players, and what are their driving ideas? Coaimhín Mac Giolla Léith presents his analysis.
Project | 59
Brian Kennedy
Feature article | 63
Regina Gleeson
Reviews | 67
Mark Ewart
Belfast: Revealing Objects at the Naughton Gallery at Queen's | Cherie Driver
Donald Kuspit: The End of Art | Emmet Cole
Cardiff: Aint no Love in the Heat of the City at Green on Red | Hannah Firth
Tinahely: Tricia Cunningham and Rhoda Cunningham at Tinahely Courthouse | Anne Henrichsen
Dublin: John Noel Smith at Green on Red | Jacqui McIntosh
Gateshead: Susan Hiller at BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art | Paul Stone
Cobh: Mick O'Shea at Sirius Arts Centre | Alannah Hopkin
Coney Island: The Dreamland Artist Club | Megan Heuer
Glasgow: Beverley Hood at Street Level Photoworks | Kirstie Skinner
Cork: Brian Harte at Form | Alannah Hopkin
Newtownards: Mary Modeen | Angela Darby
Bray: Pin at Signal Arts Centre | Alison Pilkington
Dublin: Artists – Books at the Workroom | Jason Oakley
Hangzhou: 6 x 6 for Ireland at 411 Gallery | Arvo Bruene
Kilkenny: Free from the Itch of Desire at Butler Gallery | Sarah Browne
Dublin: Yoshihiro Suda and Takehito Koganezawa at Douglas Hyde Gallery | Gemma Tipton
Belfast: C–Zine at Catalyst | Aisling O'Beirn
Dublin: Aoife Collins at Goethe–Institut | Felicity Ford
Dublin: Sophie Calle at Irish Museum of Modern Art | Catherine Lyons
New York: Peter Hendrick at Schroeder Romero | Laurence Hegarty
Dublin: Varvara Shavrova at Cross Gallery | Ciara Healy
Derry: Mary T. O'Neill at Context Gallery | Greg McCartney
Belfast: Claudio Hils at Belfast Exposed | John Mathews
Dublin: NCAD Fine Art Degree Show | John Gerrard
Belfast: Gary Show at Golden Thread Gallery | Robert Peters
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