Cover image: Sarah Browne: The gift, 2003, mixed-media installation; courtesy the artist
Update | URL: /backissues/c108/update.shtml
Regular columns | 20
Brian Kennedy
Film and Television | Stephanie McBride
Slave to the Machine | Michael Cunningham
Fifth Column | Gemma Tipton
Introduction | Liz Aders
Liz Aders introduces the collection theme
Enigma variations: collecting 'new media' | Noel Sheridan
New media take the collector into unknown territory. Noel Sheridan sketches the paths that brought us to the flatscreen image and dangling video lead.
On collectability | Fergus McCaffrey
How do you decide what or whom to collect? Fergus McCaffery surveys the New York minefield.
The digital collector | Gemma Tipton
Has the internet changed the way we buy and sell art? Gemma Tipton samples some sites to see whats going on out there in cyberspace.
Under the hammer– collecting at auction in Ireland | Jane Eckett
The secondary market for art in Ireland has grown at a stunning pace. Jane Eckett explains how and why.
From storeroom to showroom | Nathalie Weadick
You're a public space with a growing collection. How best do you use it? Nathalie Weadick describes some alternatives
Purging that sentiment d'incomplitude | Peter Murray
Why collect? It's hard to find a full answer. Peter Murray tackles the question.
Feature article
Dislocate, renegotiate and flow – Part ll: the practice of process | Regina Gleeson
This is part II of a three-part investigation by Regina Gleeson, into globalisation's impact on art practice
Project | 64
Andrew Stones
Making do | Glenn Loughran
Dublin: John Brennan at Hallward | Eimear McKeith
Madrid: ARCO | Jo Milne
Dublin: Seamus Harahan at Project | Andrew Kelly
Dublin: Mary Rose Binchy at Green on Red | Ciara Healy
Dublin: Salla Tykka at Meeting House Square | Catherine Lyons
London: A Kind of Bliss at Drawing Room | Tobi Maier
New York: John Waters at New Museum | Matthew Garrison
Southampton : New British Paintingat John Hansard | Rosemary Shirley
Belfast: Claire Morgan at Lagan Lookout | Cherie Driver
Cork: Daphne Wright and Johnny Hanrahan at various locations | Niamh Lawlor
Calgary: Dianne Bos at Truck | Janet Naclia
Dublin: Paul Doran at Green on Red | Mary Theresa Keown
Belfast: Dan Shipsides at Golden Thread | Slavka Sverakova
Limerick: EV+A | Ciara Finnegan
London: Donald Judd at Tate Modern | Aaron Moulton
London: Extended Painting at Victoria Miro | Craig Staff
Bray: Helena Gorey at Mermaid | Sarah Browne
Edinburgh: Incommunicado at City Arts Centre | Ruth Hedges
London: Marta Marce at Mobile Home | Arthur Cravan
Lapland: The Snow Show | Neil Robert
Munich: Abigail O'Brien at Haus der Kunst | Birgit Sonna
Belfast: aimnín at Ormeau Baths | John Mathews
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