Cover image: Michael Heizer: North, East, South, West, 1967/2002, installation view at Dia:Beacon; photo Tom Vinetz; courtesy Dia Art Foundation; gift of Lannan Foundation
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Regular Columns | 22
Brian Kennedy
Slave to the Machine | Michael Cunningham
Fifth Column | Janet Naclia
See | URL: /backissues/c105/see.shtml
Feature articles
Superficial art | Paul O'Brien
A recent conference at Tate Britain investigated artists' relation to surface in the digital age. Paul O'Brien reports.
Ireland complex | Brian Kennedy
It's been a rollercoaster ride, but where has it landed us? Brian Kennedy reports on a recent conference in Virginia which sought to get a fix on modern Ireland.
Theme: New York
Why NY? | Gemma Tipton
To open our New York theme, writers both Irish and American scan the scene in the Big Apple. We begin with one of the theme coordinators, Gemma Tipton.
Why NY?: Money for something? | Rob Alexis
Americans are in the habit of giving money to the arts. How does that work? Robert Alexis reports.
Why NY?: Only the exaggerations are true | Sina Najafi
Cabinet is one of the biggest regarded New York Art magazines. Here Sina Najafi explains its success.
Why NY?: Twinkler | Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn
Jeanne Greenberg Rohatyn describes how she found one Irish artist in New York.
Why NY?: History of a show | Corban Walker
Corban Walker describes his winding road to getting a show in New York.
The art market in New York: some thoughts on venture capitalism | Megan Johnston
If you can make it there, you can... Megan Johnston explains the rules.
Whispering architecture | Gemma Tipton
Does size matter? No it's how you use it. Gemma Tipton is amazed at Dia:Beacon.
Behind the eight ball | Allyson Spellacy
Allyson Spellacy takes a look accross the river...
Monumental | Paddy Johnson
Paddy Johnson takes a look at architecture, memory and an intruiging icon of 'Irishness'.
In print | Keane A. Pepper
Who's reading who's writing about whose art? Keane A. Pepper turns the page of what's happening.
In the shadow of the World Trade Center | Elizabeth Aders
Liz Aders looks at the survival of art on Wall Sreet and thirty years of contribution by the LMCC.
Mark Orange: from Untitled (24HRS.) series 2002-2003 | Mark Orange
New York: The American effect | William Powhida
New York: H2oat Danese | Laurence Hegarty
Venice Biennale: Katie Holten | Fiona Kearney
Venice Biennale: Wales and Scotland | Nathalie Weadick
Venice Biennale: technology | John Gerrard
Belfast: Golden Mile | Ruth Jones
Dublin: Mary Kelly at Royal Hibernian Academy | Catherine Lyons
Belfast: One Place Twiceat Golden Thread | Julie Bacon
Dublin, Cork, Sligo: Outsider Artin Ireland | Peter Haining
Limerick: Padraig Cunningham at Beltable | Paul Aherne
Dublin: Dan Shipsides at Temple Bar | Alan Phelan
Belfast: Conor McFeelyat Ormeau Baths | Julie Bacon
Dublin: Garrett Phelanat Pallas Heights | Declan Long
Dublin: Gary Hume at Irish Museum of Modern Art | Damien Duffy
Dublin: Spiritusat Douglas Hyde | om lekha
Blanchardstown: Rita Jokiranta at Draíocht | Emma Donaldson
Leeds: Liadin Cooke at Henry Moore Institute | Padraig Timoney
Belfast: Connor Caffrey at Golden Thread | Gregory McCartney
Limerick: Brian Kennedy at Limerick City Gallery | Sean Taylor
Dublin: Bridget Riley | Tanya Kiang
Dublin: Eugenio Percossi | Gemma Tipton
Blanchardstown: Dara McGrath | Justin Carville
Derry: Patrick Bradly and Peter Hughes at Context | Damien Duffy
Cork: Nigel Rolfe at Crawford and St. Finn Barre's | Mark Ewart
Dublin: Axel Boesten at Gallery of Photography | Declan Sheehan
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