Cover image: Jaki Irvine, Another Difficult Sunset, 1997, five screen video installation
Feature articles | 18
Jaki Irvine
Trusting inter–relations | Mark Dawes
The author discusses art, the real world and Alastair MacLennan
The CIRCA interview | Sam Walsh, Stephen McKenna
Sam Walsh asks Stephen McKenna aboutThe Pursuit of Painting
On the waterfront | John Stephenson
The author looks at Belfast's new Waterfront Hall for lessons for Dublin's Docklands redevelopment
Being Seen | Marian Lovett
The author analyses recent developments in the imaging of Ireland and of Irish art
Image, drama, history | Pat Cooke
Heritage presentations owe as much to the circus tent as to the lecture hall, argues Pat Cooke
Art pages | Ronan McCreat, Eva
Fiona and Me by Ronan McCrea and Eva
Publications update | Tanya Kiang
The author assesses recent art publications
Review | 46
Jo Slade
Hughie O'Donoghue | Sam Walsh
Elizabeth Byrne | Angela Mehegan
How I Learned to Love Photography | Jo Allen
John Brady | Ian Wieczorek
Philip Napier | Colin Darke
Dympna Molloy | Lorraine Whelan
Intermedia '97 | Mark Ewart
Alice McCartney | James Kerr
Danielle Kraay | Emer Williams
Clubhouse | Luke Clancy
Kathy Prendergast | Helen Swords
Video Cats | Gavin Weston
Heather Fleming | Mo White
Symposium: Infusion '97 | Sean Taylor
Symposium: Sensing the Future | Paul O'Brien
Charles Cullen | Hilary Pyle
Nigel Rolfe | Marian Lovett
Dorothy Cross | Angela Mehegan
On the record
On the record | Tanya Kiang discusses a recent bid for Millennium funding
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