Cover image: Cristina Bunello: Back view of girl with buns (detail), oil on linen, 30 x 20 cm; courtesy the artist (from degree-show critics' choices)
Editorial | Peter FitzGerald
IM projects editorial | IM projects
Vox pop – 'The Messiah' | IM Projects, Binna Choi, Jeffrey Vallance, Paul O'Neill, Vincent Honoré, Tom Morton, Ahmet Ögüt, nero, Vanessa Desclaux, Ovul Dumusoglu, Raimundas Malasauskas, Cornelia Lauf, Jamie Shovlin, Marcelline Delbecq, Will Holder
As a figure of hope or a sign of the times, IM projects offer 14 respondents an image of Obama Action Figure and ask them what they would offer in return
Tenebrous dialectics: contemporary art and the limits of enchantment | Dieter Roelstraete
Why has the spiritual reentered contemporary art?
In conversation with Adrian Rifkin | IM projects
A leading art educationalist talks autobiography and much else besides
Chapters // myth | Tessa Giblin with Amalia Pica, Mario García Torres, Michael Fortune and Aileen Lambert, Lee Welch, Melvin Moti
Nine takes on storytelling and fantasy in contemporary practice
Proximity – no means a marker of accessibilityy | Ilsa Colsell and Conor Donlon
Put your arms around me honey, 2009 | Susan MacWilliam
Untitled, 2009 | David Ferrando Giraut
Rap collage 2, 2009 | Spartacus Chetwynd
Degree shows
Belfast: Helen Sharp: The Hero and now | om lekha
Cork: Mary FitzGerald: Afterlife | David Brett
Dublin: If I can’t dance I don’t want to be part of your revolution: Edition III: Masquerade | Tim Stott
Dublin: Brian Duggan: Step inside now step inside | Michelle Browne
Galway: Lee Welch: At the still point of the turning world | Hilary Murray
Lismore United technologies | Matt Packer
Mechelen: The Search for the Spirit | Rosa Lleó
Sligo: Medium religion | Bryonie Reid
Venice: Susan MacWilliam: Remote Viewing – Northern Ireland Pavilionat the 53rd Venice Biennale | Cecilia Canzioni
Venice: Sarah Browne and Gareth Kennedy: The Republic of Ireland at the 53rd Venice Biennale | Ilaria Gianni
Venice: Making worlds: the 53rd Venice Biennale | Aoife Rosenmeyer
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