Cover image: Patrick Hall: Jesus walking on the sea (detail), 2001 oil on canvas, 182 x 198 cm; courtesy Model: Niland;
Editorial | Peter FitzGerald
Feature articles
If you build it, will they come? – and what will they do when they get there? | Gemma Tipton
The author looks at new art spaces around Ireland, how they're functioning, what they're doing right or wrong
Vox pop: what art would you buy? | If money were no object, what art would those questioned want in their collection?
All’s fair? | Helen Mason, Peter FitzGerald
Peter FitzGerald interviews Helen Mason, curator of a new art fair in Dublin this May
Everything is something else | Declan Long
The author writes about the work of Patrick Hall
Archive, archive, archive! | Julie Bacon
On art's new(ish) interest in the archive
Belfast / Derry: Miriam de Búrca: Stealing weeds and me taken out | David Hughes
Cork: Niamh Lawlor and partners: Based on a true story: A seminar on mis-information | Treasa O’Brien
Derry: Christine Mackey: Points of departure | Julie Bacon
Dublin: Drawing is a verb. Drawing is a noun / The square root of drawing / Getting on mother’s nerves – psychological drama in contemporary drawing | Siún Hanrahan
Dublin: Makiko Nakamura Paintings | Donal Maguire
Dublin: John Gerrard: Dark portraits | Paul O’Brien
Dublin: .all hawaii eNtrées / luNar reGGae | Eimear McKeith
Santa’s sweet-shop labour force elves (Nevan Lahart and others): X-mass the spot | Tim Stott
Galway: Tulca | Katherine Waugh
New York: Corban Walker: Grid stack | Tim Maul
Portadown: Victor Sloan and Glenn Patterson : Luxus | David Hughes
Sligo: Jaki Irvine: In a world like this | Aileen Blaney
Book: John Onians, editor: Compression vs. expression: Containing and explaining the world’s art | Brian Curtin
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