Editorial | Peter FitzGerald
Feature articles
Threepenny essay: The case of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the Ormeau Baths Gallery | Slavka Sverakova
Response to Circa article | Arts Council of Northern Ireland
Interview: Mary McIntyre | Jacqui McIntosh
Lackumentary: On the recent video works of Declan Clarke | Dave Beech
The state of Art History in Ireland, revisited | James Elkins |
Belfast: Mark Curran: The breathing factory om lekha | URL: /backissues/c116/p94_96.shtml
Cork/ Sligo: Blake and sons: Alternative lifestyles and mysticism in contemporary art | Fergal Gaynor
Derry: Padraig Timoney: Fear of all sums ten million dice to weigh | Damien Duffy
Derry: Damien Duffy: New work 2006 | Colin Darke
Derry: Aisling O’Beirn: And other storeys… | Marianne O’Kane
Dublin: Garrett Phelan: Black Brain radio | Eimear McKeith
Jeanette Doyle And then I place my face against the glass / Portrayals | Mark O’Kelly
Dublin: General Idea | Tim Stott
Katharina Wulff | Emer Marron
Stephen Loughman: The lake | Yvonne Scott
Dublin: Anthony Haughey: Disputed territory | Robbie O’Halloran
Dublin: Norbert Schwontkowski: Zip code | Jacqui McIntosh
Dublin: Gary Coyle / Paul McKinley / Jim Savage: Best three draw | Jane Humphries
Dublin: This ain’t no fooling around | Gemma Tipton
Dublin/ Limerick: 3 x Abstraction / From landscape | Francis Halsall
Limerick: ev+a | Paul O’Brien
Monaghan: Multiplicity | Regina Gleeson |
Seán Lynch | ?
Art-Watching: a collaborative project of art and text by Brian Fay and Niamh Ann Kelly | URL: /backissues/c116/113-128.shtml
Art-Watching Introduction | Brian Fay, Niamh Ann Kelly
Brian Fay: Art-Watching Images. Niamh Ann Kelly: Art-Watching Text | URL: /backissues/c116/113-128.shtml#sub1
Original paintings from Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane | URL: /backissues/c116/113-128.shtml#sub2
Olympia | Mieke Bal
For Ana Mendieta | Fionna Barber
Sunday Morning in Paris | Ciarán Bennett
Art Watch: Expressions of Irish Landscape | Dr Síghle Bhreathnach-Lynch
Gijsbrechts’s Joke | Hanneke Grootenboer
The meaning in the encounter | Siún Hanrahan
Your Move | Christina Kennedy
And so on | Caoimhín Mac Giolla Léith
The Portrait, a Struggle to See | Nancy Pedri and Richard-Max Tremblay
Close encounters with Francis Bacon | Joanna Shepard
The Lateral View | Brandon Taylor
Extract from an unpublished novel | Gemma Tipton
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